What if we ignore His Right upon us?
Ignoring the right of GOD is not like ignoring the rights of others. For if you disobey your mother, then you are subject to whatever punishment she is capable of. Likewise, you may lose your job if you ignore the orders of your boss. The judge may send you to jail if you do not appear in court as he requests. But no one can punish you eternally with a torment like what GOD has promised for those who reject His Message. GOD is going to establish a Day to judge each and every person. Indeed we will be gathered in front of GOD to answer for our deeds. About that Day, GOD says:
For on that Day, His punishment will be such as no one else can inflict, and His bonds will be such as no one else can bind.
We have the chance now to free ourselves from such a horrible and unending fate. We must look to our relationship with GOD are we fulfilling His right on us? Are we worshipping Him as He commands us?
Be aware that His punishment is so severe, that even the most devout deniers of GOD will believe in Him after seeing it.
But when they saw My Punishment, they said: "We believe in GOD, the One GOD, and we reject the partners we used to join with Him." (40:84)
If we submit to GOD, worshipping Him and not associating partners with Him, then for us are the unending joys and delights that He has prepared for us in the Paradise:
And no soul knows what delights are kept hidden for them, as a reward for what they used to do. (32:17)
For when GOD establishes the Day of Judgement, the righteous will hear the call:
O you resting, satisfied soul! Come happily back to your Lord, as you have gained His Pleasure! Enter and be among My servants, enter My Garden! (89:26-9)
If we hope to hear this call, then we must put forth the effort now, in this life, before it is too late.
What to do now
Accept the religion of Islaam. It is what GOD is commanding you to do:
O you who believe! Observe your duties to GOD properly, as He deserves, and do not die except as Muslims! (3:102)
Be sincere and dedicate yourself to GOD:
Say: "Truly, my prayer, my sacrifices, my life and my death, are all for GOD, the Creator and Nourisher of everything that exists, who has no partner. This am I commanded with, and I am the first of the Muslims." (6:162-3)
Islaam is very easy and practical. There is no conversion ceremony or difficult procedures preventing you from becoming a Muslim. The only thing for you to do is sincerely recite the following statement:
"I testify that there is no deity worthy of any form of worship except GOD Alone, and I testify that Muhammad is His Messenger."
Now follow up your statement with a commitment to learning about your religion, the specifics of what GOD wants from you. There is a lot to be learned about GOD and His Religion, with each piece of knowledge you will become more and more confident that you made the right choice.
We are eagerly awaiting you with open arms to welcome you to Islaam, and instruct you in the basic affairs of the religion with care and concern.
If something prevents you from accepting Islaam at this time, e-mail me and I will try to clarify the matter for you, so that you can accept Islaam being confident that you are on the truth.
May GOD guide us all to what He loves